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HomeTag:individual insurance

How Much Life Insurance Do I Need?

By |November 10th, 2021|Categories: Affordable Care Act, Florida Insurance, Individual Insurance|Tags: , , , , |

If you are asking yourself, "How much life insurance do I need?" you may have decided to purchase a policy. You may be very satisfied with the amount of coverage provided and the peace of mind that your family members would receive should you die unexpectedly. However, a realistic appraisal of your individual needs can help you determine how much permanent life insurance coverage you need. Your occupation or the activities you perform daily are important considerations when determining your level of coverage. If you work in a risky profession, such as an auto repair shop or painting business, you ...

How Does Life Insurance Work?

By |November 3rd, 2021|Categories: Affordable Care Act, Florida Insurance, Individual Insurance, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , |

How does life insurance work? It's quite simple. Life insurance works by paying a predetermined amount of money to a beneficiary or beneficiaries upon the death of the insured. In return, these beneficiaries will pay regular monthly premiums (called premium payments) to the insurer. When you purchase life insurance, you pay for a policy with a fixed or set amount of cash value. The death benefit is equal to the sum of all premiums paid plus any amounts determined by the terms of the policy. With some policies, you may also include interest, which is also part of the cash ...

Twenty-Something and Out of Work Worrying About Health Insurance

By |October 13th, 2021|Categories: Florida Insurance, Individual Insurance, Medicare|Tags: , , , , |

Twenty-something and out of work worrying about health insurance? Yes! At times in life, we all need a little extra help getting by, but when the bills start piling up and you can't pay them it hits. No one should have to be in this situation, it can be devastating financially and emotionally, so don't let this happen to you. Luckily there is a solution for anyone who has reached this point in their life. There are many reasons that people find themselves in this situation. Maybe they just got divorced and are living on their own. Maybe they've started ...

How to Get Your Health Insurance Subsidy If You’ve Been Unemployed

By |October 6th, 2021|Categories: Florida Insurance, Individual Insurance, Medicare|Tags: , , , , |

It can be a real challenge for an unemployed person to acquire health insurance cover, especially when faced with skyrocketing premiums and co-payments. However, it's not impossible to acquire health care coverage if you've been unemployed for a while. There are several measures you can take to ensure that you obtain proper health care coverage. One of the primary measures you can take to assure yourself of obtaining health cover if you've been unemployed is to seek out a medical care program that's specifically designed for unemployed individuals. Medical coverage for unemployed individuals is one of the more affordable ways ...

How The Affordable Care Act, Or Health Care Reform, Makes It More Affordable For Everyone

By |September 28th, 2021|Categories: Florida Insurance, Individual Insurance, Medicare|Tags: , , , , |

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARPA) of 2021, also called the American Health Care Reform Act (AHCA), was passed by the United States Congress and President Biden on March 30, 2021. The primary purpose of the act is to promote health care reform throughout the country. In this regard, it attempts to keep the health care system in a state of efficiency by decreasing the costs of providing health care and promoting private health insurance. One of the most popular elements of the AHRCA is the Medical Reimbursement Ratio (MRR). The MRR is a calculation that gauges the cost ...

How The American Rescue Plan Could Slash Your Health Insurance Costs

By |September 22nd, 2021|Categories: Florida Insurance, Individual Insurance, Medicare|Tags: , , , , |

There are many places you could look for information about how the American Rescue Plan could slash your health insurance costs. In fact, it seems to be a favorite talking point of many Americans. President Biden has talked about it extensively and repeatedly since he got elected. He wants to save money and give Americans a good health insurance plan. However, does the American Rescue Plan really work? The idea behind the rescue plan is that health insurance companies will negotiate with doctors to get lower payments. When the doctor agrees to the reduced rate, the insured can go to ...